Business Case Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant
How a nitrogen fertilizer plant in the USA is going beyond compliance with the Safety io Grid Services.
Our customer refines petroleum and manufacture nitrogen fertilizer at locations across the US Midwest. Due to the inherent danger associated with their work, safety excellence is more than just a core value; it is a key contributor to bottom-line results.
Inspired by this commitment to safety, the Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant Safety Department was looking for ways
to continue to improve worker safety while also driving down operational costs. As they examined their processes and PPE, the gas detection program stood out as a high- potential opportunity.
Our customer wanted to...
- Eliminate in-house spending on calibration compliance services, because those resources could manage other plant needs.
- Improve accountability for daily gas detector preparedness and use.
- Closely manage rental detector use and spend during site maintenance periods.
- They set up MSA GALAXY® GX2 automated test stations at the plant so that team members could easily bump or calibrate their detectors each day before heading to work.
- They adopted Safety ioTM Grid Fleet Manager so
they could monitor every aspect of their detection program (including detector use, alerts, compliance, and maintenance) from anywhere with an internet connection.
Their investment paid for itself in the first year!
With a detection program supported by GALAXY GX2 test banks and Grid services.....
- The plant found a 60% reduction in detection program operational costs by...
- eliminating the calibration service
- reducing the time spent managing both owned and rented detectors
- They increased safety awareness and accountability at the plant.